Welcome back to Term 3 after enjoying your well-deserved winter break! I would like to welcome a new student, Ava Barker to our class who has settled in quickly and is surprising us with her wonderful work.

Grade 4 students have been busy doing different activities in various subjects.

In Science, they have been learning about Earth’s surface and soil. They did an experiment to test the water holding capacity of different soil types: sand, silt and clay.

In English, they are focusing on writing explanations and are enjoying their P.E sessions at the sports stadium, playing badminton.

In Maths, they are learning about fractions and money problems.

Please encourage children to complete their assigned homework tasks daily and make sure they read every single night.

Thanks for your continual support and cooperation.

Grade 4
Grade 4
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Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Grade 4 Teacher